Parkgate Infants & Nursery School

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Nursery - Ducklings Class

22 March 24 - Tadpoles

We found frogspawn outside so collected it and put it in some water. We have started to see the frogspawn growing and some tadpoles have started to hatch. We looked at the lifecycle of a frog and listened to a tadpole wiggle song. We hope to see them grow into froglets and then frogs. 

15 March 2024 - Jasper's Beanstalk

We read 'Jasper's Beanstalk' and then planted our own beans. We talked about what a plant needs to grow and made our own posters. 

8 March 2024 - Book Week

We have had a very busy week enjoying book week. Our book was 'One ted falls out of bed'. We built beds using construction toys and retold the story using musical instruments. We dressed up on Thursday as different characters and shared books with Year 1. We have also been enjoying the sunshine outside. 

1 March 2024 - Oliver's Fruit Salad

We have been reading Oliver's Fruit Salad. The children have used their senses to explore and name different fruits. We have talked about where fruits come from and where they grow. The children told us what their favourite fruit was and we collected this information and displayed it in a pictogram. Today we used our cutting skills to chop different fruits and mix them together to make our own fruit salads.

16 February 2024 - Lunar New Year

The Nursery have been learning about Lunar New Year. We made our own Chinese dragon masks and went on a parade through the school. We decorated red envelopes with gold writing and had surprise chocolate coins put inside. We cut out lanterns and ordered numbers on dragons.

9 February 2024 - vegetable soup

The Nursery children have been reading 'The Enormous Turnip' and 'Oliver's Vegetables'. We named different vegetables and then chose 5 vegetables to go into a soup. We peeled and cut the vegetables, then boiled and blended it before finally tasting our vegetable soup. 

2 February 2024 - mark marking

We have been mark making outside. We have been using paintbrushes and water on walls, chalks on the ground and different pens on an enormous cardboard box. We were using lots of gross and fine motor movements. 

26 January 2024 - making marks in the paint tray

The nursery children have been making marks in the paint tray. Some children drew patterns, others wrote the first letter of their name and some even wrote their whole name. It felt cold and squishy but we loved it. 

19 January 2024 - Baking bread

The Nursery children had great fun baking bread this week. We read the story 'The Little Red Hen', talked about how unhelpful the dog, cat and duck were. We looked at a recipe for making bread and the children wrote shopping lists for what we needed. We then all helped to make the bread, sieving the flour, mixing the ingredients together and kneading the dough. We baked the bread in the oven and then took the rolls home to eat.

12 January 2024 - Exploring heavy and light

Nursery have been exploring heavy and light. We have been holding different objects and seeing how heavy they feel. We used bucket balances to see which objects were heavier and lighter. We then explored the bucket balances in challenge time using conkers and pebbles

15 December  2023 - Festive

Nursery have been very creative this week. We have been practising our cutting skills and using lots of festive resources to make our own Christmas cards and crowns.  

1 December 2023 - Cold weather

The weather has started to become really frosty and cold. The water tray froze overnight and when we arrived at Nursery we had lots of ice to explore. Where did it come from? How does it feel? What happens to the ice when we hold it in our hands? We had great fun exploring.

24 November 2023 - Echo the hearing dog

We had a visit from a hearing dog called Echo. Echo helps a boy called Jake, who has hearing loss. Echo has been part of their family for many years and has been trained to help Jake when there are sounds that he can't hear. Echo hears the alarm clock in the morning and uses his nose to nudge Jake until he gets up and turns the alarm off. Echo is a really clever dog!

17 November 2023 - Nursery Rhymes

We took part in 'World Nursery Rhyme Week'. We sang these five rhymes and took part in various activities throughout the week. 
  1. Jack and Jill
  2. Hickory Dickory Dock
  3. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
  4. Row, Row, Row Your Boat
  5. The Wheels on the Bus

10 November 2023 - Remembrance Day

We have been talking about Remembrance Day and looking at photos of poppies. We created poppy paintings using string rollers and apples. Some of us drew our own poppy pictures. We carried out a one minute silence to think about all the soldiers that had worked really hard. 

3 November 2023 - Halloween

We have been enjoying Halloween and Bonfire Night themed activities this week. 

20 October 2023 - Fire Fighters

As part of our learning about 'People who help us', we had a visit from some fire fighters. They showed us their uniform and their fire truck. They talked to us about keeping safe and how they can help others.

13 October 2023 - Listening walk

We have been on a listening walk around school. We wore our listening ear headbands to help us tune into the different sounds. We heard birds, footsteps, people talking, buzzing from the factories, gates creaking and aeroplanes. 

6 October 2023 - Owl Babies

We have been enjoying many stories in Nursery. This week our favourite has been Owl Babies. Here are some photos of us using the props to retell the story. 

29 September 2023 - Signs of Autumn

This week we have started to look out for signs of Autumn. We have noticed that the leaves on the trees are starting to change colour. We have spotted orange, red, yellow and brown leaves. We have painted our own Autumn trees using broccoli to print with. 

22 September 2023 - We're so busy

In the nursery we have been playing listening games. Here we are playing 'Bears like honey'. We have also read the book 'From Head to Toe' by Eric Carle. We enjoyed moving our bodies in different ways like the animals in the book. 

15 September 2023 - Our first week

The nursery children had a really busy first week getting to know the environment and each other. They had lots of fun exploring all the areas and resources. 


Please click here to see our class page from 2022-23