At Parkgate Infants and Nursery we offer a curriculum rich in exciting, memorable and valuable experiences. We agree with the current school of thought that children need a rich body of ‘cultural capital’ and that our curriculum should build on previous knowledge, making links between subject areas. It is our intent that we deliver a curriculum that builds over time and where learning is embedded in children’s long-term memory.
We have worked hard over recent years to identify what is unique about our school and what skills we would like our pupils leave us with, as well as the knowledge we would like them to gain throughout their time here. We created our ‘curriculum drivers’ statements which we used to develop our curriculum, ensuring that these statements are met in each subject. We decided that we want our children to leave our school being effective communicators, knowing how to make healthy choices, feeling like they are part of the local and global community and believing that “Anything is Possible”.
Our curriculum follows the National Curriculum at Key Stage 1 and the Early Years Statutory Framework in Reception and Nursery.
At Parkgate Infants & Nursery School every aspect of our curriculum is underpinned by the five British values of Democracy, The Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
The Long Term Plan and curriculum booklets below show what children are learning each term.
In the additional information section you will find additional documents which will support your understanding of our curriculum.
If you would like more information about our curriculum then please contact the Early Years Leader (Nursery and Reception) or Key Stage 1 Leader (Year 1 and 2) via the school office.
If you would like details about our phonics scheme, then please see the Reading section of this website.
Our curriculum makes links both in subject and across subject, please see the documents below which show these links:
Long Term Plan (Horizontal Links)
Long Term Plan (Vertical Links)
Key Stage 1 |
Nursery | Reception | Year 1 | Year 2 | |
Long Term Plan |
Curriculum Booklets | ||||
Additional Information | New Parent Information |
Please click on the link below for more information about each subject:
Art |
Computing |
D & T |
English |
Geography |
History |
Maths |
Music |
P.E |
R.E |