Parkgate Infants & Nursery School

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At Parkgate Infants and Nursery we offer children a choice menu. Each morning the children can come in and select one of six options. These are:

  • Meat hot dinner (Red)
  • Vegetarian hot dinner (Green)
  • Jacket potato with various toppings (Blue)
  • Cold sandwich/baguette option (Yellow)
  • Halal hot dinner (Purple) Wednesdays only
  • Packed lunch from home

Children can choose a different option each day.

School Menu Autumn/Winter 2023/2024

Please note we offer a Halal lunch option on Wednesdays only.


Milk is available for children to drink mid-morning and must be paid for termly in advance. Water is provided for those children who do not drink milk. Children will be given a piece of fruit or vegetable to eat at playtime as part of the government healthy eating scheme


All children are encouraged to drink water during the day. This hydrates the brain and helps them to concentrate. Water bottles can be purchased from the office and should be in the child’s team colours. These must only be filled with water and taken home daily to be cleaned. There are also water fountains in the school.