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Year 1 - Rabbit Class

18 October 2024 - Dance

This week in PE we worked on our big animal and small animal movements. We worked with a partner to move like our chosen animal and we learnt to move in unison and in canon.

11 October 2024 - Regrouping

This week in maths we have been looking at regrouping numbers within 10. We have used tens frames and counters, drawn part-whole models and used cuisenaire rods to help us. We also enjoyed writing about our favourite part of our class text 'Puffin Peter'.

4 October 2024 - Computing

This week we have been using the laptops. We have enjoyed using the mouse and learning to 'click and drag' puzzle pieces to complete puzzles. We have also been using a paint programme. We enjoyed learning to change the colour of the background, draw shapes and fill them with different colours and use the paintbrush tools to draw pictures.

27 September 2024 - Musical instruments

In music we have been learning how to keep a steady beat, this week we enjoyed exploring the instruments in our lesson too. We also enjoyed our visit to the library bus, we spent time sharing books together and choosing a new book to borrow.

Meet the Teacher

Welcome to Year 1.pdf

20 September 2024 - Following instructions

This week we have been looking at writing instructions in English. We learnt all about command words and followed a set of instructions to plant our own cress seeds. We then worked together to put a set of instructions into the correct order, we realised how important it is that we follow instructions in order.

13 September 2024 - Working together

We have had another good week in Rabbit class. We have been enjoying our phonics lessons and using our new sound when writing words. We have also been looking at position in maths, we managed to work together to find the correct order. 

6 September 2024 - First Week

We have had a lovely first week in Rabbit class. We have spent time getting to know each other and learning how Year 1 works. We really like having our own trays and our own whiteboard packs! We also spent time this week sharing our holiday news and doing some lovely writing.

21 June 2024 - Whipsnade Zoo

On Thursday we went to Whipsnade Zoo. We saw lots of different animals including the Giraffes, Elephants, Monkeys, Penguins and Rhino's . We were very lucky  as we saw the baby Giraffe who was only 3 days old. When we went to see the bears the volunteers at the zoo talked to us about the Bears, one of the Bears was called Cinderella. We had a lovely day and we did a lot of walking!

14 June 2024 - Art

In Art this half term we are going to be making bird sculptures. We started by watching clips of lots of different birds and looking at their features, colours and patterns. We then sketched our own bird pictures using pencils and oil pastels.

7 June 2024 - Watercress seeds

We planted watercress seeds in science and have been watering them all week. We looked at how they had grown and completed the next page in our watercress seed diary. We were very pleased to see they are growing. 

24 May 2024 - Design and Technology

In Design and Technology we have been looking at health and unhealthy food. Barnaby bear invited us to a picnic and asked us to bring a snack. We made banana bread to take to the picnic. We had great fun making it and eating it!

17 May 2024 - Science

In science we have been learning about plants. We named the different parts of plants and we walked around the school grounds to look at the plants we have. We named the plants and compared them. 

10 May 2024 - Maths

This week in maths we have been learning about different ways to count. When you have lots of objects to count it can make it quicker to count in groups. We have been practising counting in 2's, 5's and 10's. 

3 May 2024 - Chicks

This week the chicks came to visit us in our classroom. We had fun watching them run around our carpet and we enjoyed holding them as well.

26 April 2024 - Plants

This week in Science we have been learning about plants. We looked at the different parts of the plant and talked about why they were important. We then made our own plants using wool, pipe cleaners and paper. The wool shows the roots. the pipe cleaner the stem and the paper the leaves and petals.

19 April 2024 - SIgns of Spring

This week in science we have been looking at the signs of spring. We talked about all four seasons and the changes that we see from Winter to Spring. We went on a walk around school and looked for signs of spring. We took photographs and then wrote all about the signs of spring. 

29 March 2024 - Mini Beast Collage

After looking at Flora and Fauna art work and drawing our own pictures and minibeasts, we used all our skills to create a mini beast collage. We painted paper different colours and cut out shapes to create our minibeast. We were so proud of our work we decided to display it in our classroom.

22 March 2024 - Keeping active

This week the sports partnership came to complete a session with us about the importance of keeping active. During the session we learnt why it was important to stay active and we took part in lots of activities that we can do to help us be active. We used hoops, bean bags, hurdles and balls, We had great fun. 

15 March 2024 - Flora and Fauna

This week in art we have been continuing our Flora and Fauna theme. We were looking at minibeast art and exploring continuous line drawing. We drew our own minibeasts and then used oil pastels to add colour.

8 March 2024 - Book Week

This week in book week we have been reading, 'If I were Prime Minister' by Trygve Skaug. We decided what we would do if we were Prime minister and we had some very interesting ideas. We also thought about what we would like to change at school and we made posters explaining why our idea would be a good change. We also enjoyed dressing up for world book day.

1 March 2024 - Flora and Fauna

This week we have started our new Art focus which is all about 'Flora and Fauna'. We had a look at different artists and their paintings and discussed which were our favourite.  We used the artists work to inspire us and we created our own art work.

16 February 2024 - Design and Technology

We have had a busy week this week. On Friday we had our class assembly and we really enjoyed sharing what we have been learning with our parents. We have also finished our Design and Technology moving pictures work. We have made a moving picture with different types of transport so that we can make a transport book for our classroom.

9 February 2024 - learning about measuring

This week in maths we are learning about measuring. We ordered different colour string from the shortest to longest. We worked together to make sure all the string was in the correct order. We then used the string to find objects in the class that were longer and shorter. At the end of the lesson we then ordered ourselves in height order from tallest to shortest.

2 February 2024 - Number Day

We had great fun on Number day. We enjoyed looking at all the numbers everyone was wearing and doing lots of number activities. We completed a number quiz in pairs and went on a maths hunt. We also played a game where we had to race to make numbers before our partners, we were all very competitive!!


26 January 2024 - Barnaby Bear's Birthday

On Friday we celebrated Barnaby Bear's Birthday. We had an assembly to watch him open his cards and presents and we sang him happy birthday. In the afternoon we made cards for Barnaby and shared some information about ourselves with him. We then ended the day eating bear biscuits with our own teddy bears. 

19 January 2024 - Design and Technology

T his week in Design and Technology we made a horizontal slider mechanism for a moving picture. We had to use a ruler to draw lines, a hole punch to punch holes and scissors to cut the parts for our slider. We all worked very hard and enjoyed making our moving pictures. 

12 January 2024 - Moving parts

This week in Rabbit class we started our new Design and Technology plan. We are going to be making moving pictures. This week we made a moving person. To make the person we had to use our cutting and hole punching skills. We had great fun with the hole punchers! We also used split pins. We had great fun making our people!


15 December 2023 - Christmas Play

This week we have been taking part in the Christmas play. We were singing a song called 'Puppies are not just for Christmas.' We had great fun dressing in our costumes and performing the song for all the parents.

8 December 2023 - Where's my Teddy?

This week we have been reading Where's my Teddy ? by Jez Alborough. It is about a boy called Eddy who loses his teddy Freddy. We made posters to help find Freddy. 

1 December 2023 - George Seurat 

This week in Rabbit class we have been using a paint programme on the Ipads. We were learning about George Seurat who painted using the technique pointillism. We created our own sunflower pictures using pointillism.

24 November 2023 - Voices in the park

We have been reading a new book called 'Voices in the Park'. It is a story about two families who visit the park and the story is told by all four members of the families. We have been summarising the events of the story.

17 November 2023 - Mr Big

This week in Rabbit class we have been reading Mr Big. Mr Big plays beautiful music and all his neighbours come to listen. He joins a band and is very happy at the end of the story. We wrote speech bubbles pretending to be Mr Big talking about how he felt. 

10 November 2023 - Library Visit

On Wednesday we had a great trip to North Watford Library. We were all very sensible walking to the library in the rain. The librarians read us a story and told us how we can join the library. The library had lots of exciting books and we had great fun reading them. 

3 November 2023 - Jam Sandwiches

This week in Rabbit class we have been writing instructions on how to make jam sandwiches. On Wednesday we made jam sandwiches. On Thursday we then wrote instructions. After we had finished our writing we looked at it again and edited our work. We checked that we had used a capital letter at the start of our sentence and a full stop at the end. 

20 October 2023 - Designing Playground Equipment

This term in Design and Technology we have been designing our own playground equipment. On Thursday we made our designs. We made swings, slides, climbing frames, zip wires and monkey bars. We had great fun helping each other make our models. 

13 October 2023 - Bossy Verbs

This week in Rabbit class we have been reading 'Gruffalo Crumble and other recipes. We have been learning about bossy verbs and writing sentences using a bossy verb. We gave the Gruffalo instructions before he made Terrible Tusk fruit skewers.
We told the Gruffalo to 'Wash your hands' and 'Cut your fruit'.

6 October 2023 - Different amounts

Rabbit class used toy animals to make different amounts. The challenge was to make a total using two colours eg. 2 + 3 = 5

29 September 2023 - Farmer Duck

This week in Rabbit class we have been reading Farmer Duck. We wrote captions using pictures from Farmer Duck. We worked hard to use our phonic knowledge to write words. We also made sure we used a capital letter at the start of our sentence, a full stop at the end and finger spaces between our words. 

Please click here to see our class archive from 2022 - 2023