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Year 2 - Badger Class

18 October 2024 - Jungle Dance

Badger Class really enjoyed putting all the different steps within their jungle dance sequence together and performing them to their peers.

11 October 2024 - How to Make Friends with a Ghost

Badger Class have been studying the story 'How to Make Friends with a Ghost' by Rebecca Green. This week the children have been working on writing their own multiclause sentences to instruct their readers on how to make friends with a ghost! 

4 October 2024 - Wheels and axles

Badger Class enjoyed making wheels and axles from different materials and testing their effectiveness this week!

27 September 2024 - Two digit numbers

Badger Class have been working on representing  two digit numbers in different ways this week, including using base 10, coins, beadstrings and tens frames

13 September 2024 -  The Frog and the Stranger

Badger class have been thinking about a new book in class, The Frog and the Stranger by Max Velthuijs. We've been thinking about what makes a great sentence, how conjunctions can change the meaning of a sentence and how we can encapsulate what we want to say in sentence by sentence. 

6 September 2024 - Time capsule

Badger Class have swiftly settled back into school life. The children enjoyed thinking about what they want to achieve this year and we have made a time capsule with their goals! We will open it on the last day of school in July.


7 June 2024 - Plants 

This week Badger class recorded observations on the outcome of a fair test we conducted on some plants in class. Having identified what plants need to thrive; we tested what would happen if we took those things away. We made sure it was a fair test by only changing one factor and keeping all the other factors the same. 

24 May 2024 - Plants

Badger class have been learning all about what plants need to thrive and grow. We've explored the journey of different seeds and bulbs  to flowering plants and explored the plant life at school. 

17 May 2024 - Photography

Badger class have enjoyed thinking more about photography skills this half term. This included taking different types of photos, taking photos from different angles and using filters to enhance photograph. 

10 May 2024 - Architecture 

Badger Class enjoyed learning more about architecture this week and created our own buildings influenced by the imaginative works of Friedensreich Hundertwasser.


26 April 2024 - How to catch a star

Badger Class have  published some fantastic diary entries this week; we imagined we were the boy in 'How to Catch a Star' and explored what events were important, how we would sequence them, how we would describe the place where each event occurred  and what emotions we would be experiencing. 

19 April 2024 - Mighty Maurice

Badger Class enjoyed a visit from children's author Emily Loyd Gale.  she read her story 'Mighty Maurice' to the Class and told the children all about her journey as an author which began at the age of 9! 

29 March 2024 - St Albans Abbey

Badger Class went to St. Albans Abbey and had a fantastic time learning about the Easter story. The children enjoyed role play activities and making stained glass windows. 

15 March 2024 - Pizza

The children practised their chopping, grating, peeling and spreading skills by making pizzas this week.  We thought a lot about balance and created healthy pizzas. 

8 March 2024 - Book Week

Badger Class really enjoyed book week. We explored The Magic Paintbrush by Julia Donaldson and the children had a lot of fun acting out the story and thinking about what object they would paint if they were Shen.  The children also enjoyed shared reading sessions with Reception, dressing up on World Book day and sharing their outfit in a parade in school.

1 March 2024 - Maths

This week Badger Class have been working really hard in Maths. The children have done amazing work with regrouping in addition. 

9 February 2024 -  similarities and differences

This week Badger class worked hard exploring the similarities and differences between Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole.

2 February 2024 - Chrome Music Lab

This week we had a lot of fun creating music using Chrome Music Lab.  We thought about tempo, pitch, instruments, effects  and we practiced editing the tunes we created with these in mind. 

26 January 2024 - Florence Nightingale

This week Badger Class  enjoyed learning more about Florence Nightingale and what makes her a  significant person in history.

19 January 2024 - Sketching skills

In Badger Class this week we have worked hard on our sketching skills and looked closely at how we can use effects like shading, hatching, cross hatching and pencil control to enhance our work.

12 January 2024 - '15 things NOT to do with a Puppy'

This week in Badger Class, we have been looking at the story '15 things NOT to do with a Puppy' by Margaret McAllister. We thought about the sentence types within the book, created posters and wrote our own version of the story by changing the subject to English. The children really enjoyed writing command sentence.

8 December 2023 - Andy Goldsworthy

This week we started a new unit in Art looking at artists who create their art from exploring and collecting. We looked at the work of Andy Goldsworthy and Lorna Crane and looked at what they are inspired by. We went outside to find our own inspiration and had a go at creating some Art. It was a rainy day so we didn't stay outside for long!

1 December 2023 - Christmas tree

This week we have been completing assessment booklets in Maths, Reading and Phonics so it has been a busy week but we also enjoyed decorating our learning area with this beautiful tree

24 November 2023 - Healthy bodies

This week in Science, we have been looking at how we can keep our bodies healthy. We went outside and completed an experiment on how many times we can complete an exercise in 1 minute. We thought about what parts of our bodies we used and how it affected our bodies

17 November 2023 - The Great Fire of London

'In History this week, we used different historical sources to answer questions about the Great Fire of London. We learnt that the fire started in a Pudding Lane and people were ordered by the King to pull down houses to stop the fire spreading!'

10 November 2023 - Food Groups

In Science we have been looking at the different food groups and learning about the types of food we should be eating for a balanced diet. We designed a lunch or dinner meal that included a good variety of foods from different groups. Here is some work from Victor, Eva and Lorenz.

3 November 2023 - London Then and Now

This week, we started a new History topic. We used different sources to look at what London looked like in the 17th Century. We compared it with how London looks in the present day. We drew pictures and labelled some of the similarities and differences we noticed

20 October 2023 - Wheels & Axels

In our DT learning this half term, we have been looking at moving parts - wheels and axels. We designed a vehicle with moving parts and non moving parts. After planning our designs and writing instructions, we finally had a go at making our vehicles. We found it tricky to connect the wheels to the axels but we were very proud of what we made!

13 October 2023 - Library visit

We had a fantastic trip to the library on Wednesday morning. When we arrived, the librarians read us a story. We then had a chance to look at some of the amazing selection of books and found out that the library is free to join! We then worked in groups to write short stories using story cubes to help us. We had a great time!

6 October 2023 - Poem

At the moment we are listening to and enjoying poems in our English learning. We read a poem called 'January Cold Desolate' by Christina Georgina Rosetti. We discussed the things happening in the poem at the different times of year. Then Miss Johnson cut the poem up and we worked together in groups to put the poem back in order. It helped that we knew the months of the year in order!

29 September 2023 - Amazing writing by the children!

This week the children have really impressed Miss Johnson with their writing! They wrote in the point of view of Rapunzel who is finally free from the tower. The children wrote about what they might hear, smell and see. They wrote in the past tense and used lots of adjectives. Here is some examples of the wonderful work from Reuben, Anish, Maya S and Lorena.

22 September 2023 - Maths

This week in Maths, we have been looking at numbers to 100. We have been saying how many tens and ones are in a number and comparing them by putting them in order from largest to smallest. We were given 3 numbers and had to make them with tens and ones resources to compare the length. The longest was the largest number.

15 September 2023 - Rapunzel

This week in English, we are reading 2 different versions of Rapunzel. We discussed a part where Rapunzel leaves the tower to explore the forest. We used past tense verbs in sentences to describe what she did. Look at these fantastic sentences!

8 September 2023 - Giraffes Can't Dance

We have been busy settling back into the routines of school. We read a book called ‘Giraffes can’t dance’ and discussed doing anything we want to and just because we can’t do something YET, doesn’t mean we can’t do it at all! We made a display in our classroom and wrote things we can do and things we cannot do yet.


Please click here to see our 2022-23 archive page