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Reception - Mole Class - Archive 2022-23

16 June 2023 - "Somebody Swallowed Stanley"

This week in Mole class we have been studying a book called ‘Somebody swallowed Stanley’ which was about a plastic bag who gets eaten by lots of animals in the ocean. We spent a lot of time discussing the importance of recycling and the impact of pollution. We then created a class mindmap with all the ways that Stanley could be re-used. 


5 May 2023 - Coronation

In preparation for Coronation Day we spent time researching Monarchs. We also investigated similarities and differences between the Queen' coronation in 1953 and the King Charles III. The children were able to recall and tell me interesting facts that we learnt throughout the week. 

31 March 2023 - Easter Bonnets!

The children made Easter Bonnets for the last day of term. We then had an assembly where the best bonnet won the competition. We also had a Easter Bonnet parade for the parades.  We had so much fun showing them to our peers. 

10 February 2023 - Numicon's!

This week we have been learning to compare quantities of a variety of objects. We were then introduced to Numicon's and learnt that each Numicon holds a value to 10. We could then mix the Numicon's to make numbers bigger than 10! Later, we used the Numicon's to compare which one was bigger and smaller!

3 February 2023 - Phonics Fun

This week in Mole class we have been recapping our phonics sounds over the last few weeks. We practiced writing and reading the sounds. We then used our phonics to make our own sentences.

27 January 2023 - Maths

This week in Mole class we have been engaging in afternoon Maths activities. We have been completing a range of counting, cutting and matching activities to practice our number fluency.

13 January 2023 - Creating patterns

This week in Math we have been working on creating patterns using different objects. We made patterns using camels, cars, counters, Lego and even ourselves. We then painted our own patterns  which we later turned into caterpillars.

25 November 2022 - Collage creations

This week we have been investigating types of materials and how we can use them in different ways. We used cutting and sticking skills to produce our very own collage. We discussed the appropriate colours and materials that could be used. 

4 November 2022 - Firework fun!

This week in Mole class we have been discussing bonfire night and how fireworks are used to celebrate. We then used our painting skills to create our firework paintings. We had to ensure that our firework paintings were colourful and fun. 

14 October 2022 - Phonics

This term in Mole class we have had a great focus on learning our sounds in phonics. In six weeks, we have managed to learn most of the sounds, read and write. During today’s phonics lesson, the children were discussing how amazed and proud they were of each other. Keep up the great work Mole class!

7 October 2022 - Tap a shape

The children have been working really hard over the last few weeks on developing their gross and fine motor skills. This week we had a go at ‘tap a shape’. Children used a pin and hammer to tap a shape into the board. This took a lot of resilience from the children. 

30 September 2022 - Moon Festival

This week in Mole class we have been comparing Harvest in the UK with China. We researched about the Chinese moon festival, made some mooncakes and some lanterns. We used our cutting skills to create our lanterns. 

23 September 2022 - Wow Wall!

In Mole class we have been learning about our distinctive features. We worked on what makes us unique, our similarities and differences. Using this information the children created self-portraits using a range of colouring pencils and paints.