Parkgate Infants & Nursery School

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Parkgate Pirates Wraparound Club

We are very pleased to offer before and after school provision on site, to help working parents who require out of school hours care for their children. 

Our Breakfast Session runs from 7.30am to 8.40 am and costs £5.00. Children are provided with breakfast and can then play before starting school.

Our After School Session will run between 3.10pm and 6.00pm and will cost £12.50. Children will be provided with an after school snack. All food will be provided whether the child eats or not.

The aim of the Parkgate Pirates Wraparound Club is for the children to have safe, happy fun at the beginning and end of the school day. It is run as a not for profit club, meeting the needs of wraparound care for our pupils and their families.

We work on an ratio of 1 adult to 8 children. 



Before you book your child into our Wraparound Club, please can you complete the Parental Agreement form and return it to the school office:

Parental Agreement


Below you will find our Parkgate Pirates Wraparound Club Policy:

Wraparound Club Policy

How to book your child on to Parkgate Pirates Wraparound Club

We use a system called Arbor for bookings, if you require a log in link please do not hesitate to ask the school office to email you a link.

How to log in to Arbor

How to pay via Arbor